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The true message of the Qurʾān is that God is indeed merciful, compassionate and forgiving, but all decisions are in the hands of God. One is not the judge. God is the only judge and one may appeal to him for justice at any time.Any creature is fully capable of repenting and seeking forgiveness from God. Furthermore, if he repents and seeks forgiveness, then all his sins will be forgiven. But he may also be punished in hell if he does not. Ultimately, one is responsible for his actions, and will have to answer for all the sins that he may have committed in his lifetime. .
In Islam, God has forgiven Adam's sin, albeit through a long process. However, the Quran still warns Adam and Eve against any wrongdoing lest He should repent of His mercy and revert their sin. Thus, this story serves as a warning to the Children of Adam against committing any transgression, while at the same time providing hope that God can forgive them if they do commit one.
The Qurʾān also makes clear that God’s mercy is not subject to His creation.
God’s sovereignty means that He alone decides what is right or wrong, and then punishes or rewards accordingly. Punishment for sins is generally the only way to remove the sin and its consequences from one's life and affect one's future deeds and acts of worship, but it also carries a heavy spiritual burden.
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